Articles on: Linkedin

Which kinds of posts can I autopublish to Linkedin?

We will typically build in all connections that are possible at that point.

For Linkedin, this formats can be autopublished as of 20th of September:

- copy text
- copy + image
- copy + slides (upload a PDF for that)

Not possible:
- polls (they only work natively, that means directly in Linkedin). Our workaround for that: We ourselves use a fake post with layout for that, put the idea in the copy and post it manually on the given day.

In the left thumbnail area, a PDF post for posting slides will have this printer icon:

PDF for Slides

💡 Pro Tipp:
Even though that might sound a bit unlogical (it wasn't our idea, sorry! ), if you want to post a slider carousel to Instagram, it would need to be a set of pictures (JPG or PNG). Those will autopublish there as a slider.

This will have the file holder icon then:

Slides for Insta

Updated on: 21/09/2023

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