Which kinds of posts can I autopublish to Linkedin?
We will typically build in all connections that are possible at that point. For Linkedin, this formats can be autopublished as of 20th of September: copy text copy + image copy + slides (upload a PDF for that) Not possible: polls (they only work natively, that means directly in Linkedin). Our workaround for that: We ourselves use a fake post with layout for that, put the idea in the copy and post it manually on the given day. In the left thumbnail area, a PDF post for posting slidesFew readersMy Linkedin Post didn't post even though it was scheduled... why?
In 85% of the cases, this is caused by lots of emojis in the text. As you might have notived, we have built in the current character restrictions into Ägile Ässets and for Linkedin that would be 3000. However, emojis etc. count more and we leave roughly 5% buffer for that but sometimes it might still be a tiny bit too much. In that case, just shorten the caption a bit and post again. It will most probably work then.Few readers