I had set up a post to autopublish, but it wasn't posted... what's happening?
For overall context: We are very regularly checking the API connection to the Social Media platforms that are connected. So, in 99%+ we can safely assume, that the connection itself is working. Of course, even the most stable platform can sometimes have a little bit of a breakdown some time... and if that should happen to Facebook, Linkedin etc. this is beyond our control. In the most cases if a post did not post, the reason is actually quite straight on and can easily be fixed. Some exaFew readersMy posts are not being published (Mapping vs. Scheduling)
Hi there, If your posts are not being published after you added them to the calendar, this is most probably a very simple misunderstanding. Potential misstep: I've added my posts to the calendar but they are not posting. Solution: Please make sure that the difference between mapping and scheduling is clear enough for you. We have created this video to demonstrate the difference. https://storage.crisp.chat/users/upload/session/57c6d69d4a201c00/mapping-vs-scheduling-agile-asbt5hFew readers